Former CNN trend News Nation host Chris Cuomo surprised his audience when he called out the Democratic National Convention for portraying themselves as being against “elites” and “special interests” - while hosting a conference bankrolled by them.
“A big theme here at the DNC is that they’re going to go after corporate gouging and they’re going to go after corporations, whether it’s in taxes, largesse, loopholes. At the RNC, we heard the same thing, they’re going after the elites. Let me reveal a reality to you that has to be spoken to,” Cuomo said at the floor of the DNC.
He went on to describe those on the floor as the Party’s “soldiers” - then has his producer turn the camera to show the ring of hotel suites above him, stating:
This is not unique to Democrats. There is a game of money. When people talk about uniparty, we are strangled by the money reality in our politics. Those suites start at $500,000. You think there’s, like, a teacher group up in there? You think it’s, like, the Cub Scouts of Columbia County, South Carolina that’s up in those boxes? Some of them are lobbyists and good things. The media boxes, you think they’re free? Why do you think I’m on the floor. NewsNation is not a broke company. Nexstar is a massive corporation. We are corporate media. We don’t have one of those boxes because that’s the game. You pay to play.
So not-self-aware are Democrats that they applauded last night when Oprah Winfrey, a multi-billionaire, claimed that she was a victim of economic inequality while up on the stage.
Cuomo added that the wealthy are literally “looking down” at the people promising to regulate them. “The idea that they can fight against it is almost laughable,” Cuomo said. “Look and listen when you are told these things because I don’t care what they promise you, not here tonight, not at the RNC.”
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