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Dan Bongino Reacts to Sham Trump Indictment

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/09/2023
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The indictment that we all knew was coming following the unprecedented raid on Donald Trumpā€™s Mar-a-Lago is finally here, but that hasnā€™t made it any less shocking.  

Had the leading presidential candidate in a third-world country been indicted by his enemies in the lead up to an election, not a single media outlet in the developed world would have an issue in calling it exactly what it was; corruption and election interference. But because the liberal media largely drives the narrative in the U.S., theyā€™re simply aiding and abetting it.

Earlier on Newsmax, Dan Bongino fired back. 

ā€œThe police state is here. It's not coming, coming next week, it's not going to be here next year. The police state is here now,ā€ Dan told Newsmax host Rob Schmitt of ā€œRob Schmitt Tonight.ā€

He continued:

The idea that you live in a constitutional republic, take it, wipe your rump with it and flush it down the toilet bowl because that's gone. The police state has been here. It's been here for years. You're just seeing manifestations of it right now.

This is, you know, probably act seven in a play of election interference by the Democrats here; they just want Trump off the ballot because they know he's most likely going to win. So that's the obvious one.

We've almost come to accept that act of malfeasance is normal or Democrats interfere in elections like it's almost no big deal.

Watch Danā€™s full reaction below: 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros


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