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The Top 20 Reasons Not to Vote for Kamala Harris

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/06/2024
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Since Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee, many of the attacks have been on her personal life, background, and personality. Certainly, there is a lot of validity to many of those attacks. She really did fail the Bar Exam the first time she took it. Her husband ruined his marriage to his first wife by having an affair with his nanny. Harris emphasized her Indian heritage more when she was younger and was more often identified that way, while today she emphasizes and is identified as black, although you’ll have a hard time finding fact-checkers being honest about that fact. 

She also got her start in politics dating the then-powerful speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown, who was 31 years her senior. She dated him and he helped her get elected for the first time as the San Francisco district attorney. If we wanted to go further, we could go into her record as a prosecutor, the fact she left the 2020 Democratic race for the presidency without winning a single delegate, and of course, she has a really annoying laugh and babbles more childlike nonsense than anyone else in politics: 

All that being said, Kamala was also a senator from California from 2017-2021, she ran for president in 2020, and she is the current vice president who is every bit as responsible for every screw-up over the last four years as Biden is. This is a woman with an extensive record of incompetence and lunatic fringe ideas that she has revealed to the world in the last few years. Sure, if someone has some whacky ideas when they’re in high school or college, it’s hard to hold it against her, but all the ideas Kamala Harris espoused in this article happened while she was a woman in her fifties. In other words, what you’re reading is what she really believes. As you absorb all of this, try to imagine how America could survive four years with someone this incompetent, socialistic, and out of touch with reality in charge.

1) Her performance on the border has been the worst in history: Although numerous mainstream media outlets have backtracked on their own reporting to claim that Joe Biden didn’t actually declare that Kamala Harris was his “border czar,” it really doesn’t make any difference. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are both responsible for deliberately undermining Donald Trump’s border policies because they were succeeding, refusing to enforce our immigration laws and doing the worst job in American history on controlling the border. Just as a point of comparison, look at how much worse things have been under Biden and Harris than Trump:

2) Harris called for decriminalizing border crossings: If you think illegal immigration is out of control now, imagine what would happen if Kamala Harris got her way and managed to decriminalize crossing the border illegally.

3) In her last year as a senator, Harris was ranked as the most liberal senator in America: Kamala Harris would be the most radically liberal president in American history and if you need evidence of that, all you have to do is look at her last year in the Senate

According to Fox News: “GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year's ‘most liberal’ U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks. The self-described ‘government transparency website’ scored Harris as the â€˜most liberal compared to all senators’ in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.”

4) She has called for confiscating the guns of law-abiding Americans multiple times: As the NRA documented, Harris has called for confiscating firearms from law-abiding Americans on multiple occasions. The examples included; at a 2020 presidential campaign event in Londonderry, N.H. in September 2019, Harris said that confiscation of commonly owned semi-automatic firearms was “a good idea.” Also in September, during an appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” Harris said “I do believe that we need to do buybacks…. A buyback program is a good idea. Now we need to do it the right way. And part of that has to be, you know, buyback and give people their value, the financial value.”

The next month she called for a “mandatory buyback program” on an MSNBC gun control forum, and then again during an interview with NBC in November 2019.

5) The Green New Deal disaster: According to the Heritage Foundation, Kamala “Harris introduced the Green New Deal legislation with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in 2020. The measure could have cost up to $93 trillion, according to the American Action Forum. The Heritage Foundation estimated that the Green New Deal would wipe out more than 5.2 million jobs by 2040 at a peak employment shortfall.” 

Now some people might not understand why supporting that incredibly radical legislation is so significant. Just as a starter, “The Green New Deal would have banned coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy.” That sounds bonkers, right? Well, that 93 trillion-dollar price tag is even worse. The GDP of THE ENTIRE PLANET last year was about 104 trillion dollars. So, ONE GOVERNMENT PROGRAM co-sponsored by Kamala Harris would have cost almost as much as THE ENTIRE PLANET produced last year. How would our country survive having someone that reckless with money in charge of our government? 

6) Support of Medicare-for-All: When she was in the Senate, Harris was one of the sponsors of Bernie Sanders’ loony “Medicare for All” bill. It was bad. Really bad. 
According to National Review: “Harris was one of 16 co-sponsors of Sanders’s socialized healthcare plan branded as “Medicare for All,” which would have cost $34 trillion over a decade, according to the left-wing Urban Institute. It would also have necessitated kicking about 180 million people off their private insurance plans.”

Keep in mind that the whole federal government spent just over 6 trillion dollars in 2023 and that ONE PROGRAM that Harris supported would have cost more than 5 times that over the course of a decade. 

7) She wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling: You want to permanently shackle America’s energy production, kill tons of jobs, and drive your costs at the pump into the stratosphere? Well, banning fracking and offshore drilling would do that and Kamala Harris said, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking” during her 2019 campaign for president. Her campaign has since flip-flopped on that because it’s such an unpopular, insane position, but it’s more likely she’s lying now than she was lying then. 

8) She wants to ban gas-powered cars by 2045: 

9) Afghanistan was one of America’s worst military debacles of the last century: Under the leadership of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, not only did we lose the war in Afghanistan, but the whole country also collapsed in 10 days, massive amounts of American military equipment were left to the Taliban and as many as 9,000 American civilians were left behind because the way Kamala and Biden pulled out of the country was almost comically incompetent. It was the most humiliating moment for the American military since the fall of Saigon and there was zero accountability for it under the leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

10) The Biden and Harris administration has been a disaster on Ukraine: When Russia first invaded Ukraine, the Biden and Harris administration’s response was to put “tough” sanctions in place while they shipped money and weapons to Ukraine. However, not only were the sanctions a failure, those sanctions also led to more cooperation between Russia and China. Meanwhile, despite the fact that it has been clear for almost a year now that Ukraine has no hope of pushing Russia out of their country, Kamala and Biden have committed more than 175 billion dollars of taxpayer money to Ukraine and are trying to keep the war going. That’s roughly $525 for every man, woman, and child in the United States in return for… what exactly? 

11) The staggering incompetence of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden on the war in Israel: Since the terrorist attack the Palestinians launched at Israel on October 7 of last year, the Israelis have been decisively defeating the Palestinians. So, at this late date, why is the war not over? Because Biden and Harris keep publicly undermining Israel to appeal to the anti-Semites and pro-terrorist supporters in their Democratic base. 

Unfortunately, this has given Hamas the impression that Biden and Harris may force the Israelis to give up in a war they’re winning handily and give the terrorists a victory they can’t win on the battlefield. All they have to do is hold out long enough. In other words, the incompetence of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden has extended the war. Harris and Biden also spent $320 million dollars on a floating pier designed to transfer aid to the Palestinians. It was completely ineffective and quickly fell apart:

Of course, all this begs the question: Why are Kamala and Biden giving aid to the Palestinians at all right now when, as we speak, Hamas is STILL holding American citizens hostage

12) The college loan disaster: In a financially irresponsible move that is clearly an insult to Americans who paid off their own college loans or who didn’t go to college, Harris and Biden have been working non-stop to use our tax dollars to give welfare to people that owe money on their college loans. In other words, they’re using your money to try to buy votes, and bizarrely, there has been absolutely no discussion of getting the government out of the college loan business. Yet, if Kamala Harris genuinely thinks college loans are so worthless that people shouldn’t have to pay for them, then why are we continuing to give out those loans? Along similar lines, if those loans aren’t worth it to the people who benefitted from getting a college education, how can it possibly benefit the taxpayers to pay off those loans? 
13) Kamala Harris has called for getting rid of the filibuster, which would likely lead to the end of America as a free country: The Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Republic, not a pure democracy because pure democracies are inherently unstable forms of government. As Ben Franklin said:

The moment that one party controls the House, the Senate, and the White House without a filibuster, they can essentially do ANYTHING. Democrats could make guns illegal, make it a crime to vote for Republicans, or make the tax rate on states that don’t vote Democrat 100%. If you think the Supreme Court would stop them, you would be wrong, because they could also legally stack the Supreme Court. The second the law becomes whatever people like Kamala Harris say it is, it’s just a matter of time until our Republic ends one way or the other. In fact, it would essentially be over the second we got rid of the filibuster for legislation in the Senate. 

14) Kamala Harris has been hostile to cryptocurrency: Since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took over, the government of the United States has been hostile to cryptocurrency. Most notably, under their leadership, SEC Chairman Gensler has waived off pleas from the industry to give them a clear set of rules and has launched multiple frivolous lawsuits against the crypto industry while Democrats like Elizabeth Warren have attacked the whole industry non-stop. Donald Trump has promised to be the most pro-crypto president in history while his vice president owns Bitcoin. If you’re actually one of the Americans that owns cryptocurrency and that’s the decisive factor in who you’re voting for, this should be the easiest choice in history. 

15) Kamala Harris helped put the George Floyd rioters and other criminals back on the streets: While liberals were burning down their own cities across the country in 2020, Kamala Harris sent out a tweet encouraging people to donate money to help bail them out of jail: 

Among the king of people Harris kept out of jail included some of the worst human beings imaginable, such as a man accused of sexually abusing an eight-year-old girl, and a man accused of assaulting a 71-year-old woman as they assaulted her home, among countless others.  

16) Kamala Harris said, “It is outdated and is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety.”: When the “Defund the Police” movement was hot in mid-2020, Kamala Harris supported it. Among other things, she said, “It is outdated and is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety.” She also called for shifting money from police to social services and job training programs. 

According to CNN: “In many cities in America, over one-third of their city budget goes to the police. So, we have to have this conversation. What are we doing? What about the money going to social services? What about the money going to helping people with job training? What about helping with the mental health issues that communities are being plagued with for which we’re putting no resources?” she asked.
When Harris signed on to the Biden administration, she changed her position, but of course, if she were to become president, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she went right back to undermining the police. 

17) Kamala Harris would be the most pro-criminal president in history: Across America, soft-on-crime policies have created crime waves in major liberal cities that still haven’t fully receded to the lower levels of crime we had when Donald Trump was in office. During her run for the presidency, Kamala Harris embraced many of the failed policies that have since been implemented in those liberal cities. Do we really want policies like this all over America?

According to the Daily Signal: A newly resurfaced memo put out by Vice President Kamala Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign outlines her plan to “fundamentally transform” the criminal justice system by reducing penalties for criminalsIn 2019, Harris promised to end cash bail, get rid of court-ordered fines, expunge the records of some felons, discontinue federal mandatory minimum sentences, and place greater federal scrutiny on local police departments, according to a memo resurfaced Thursday by the Washington Free Beacon. ... “Excessive cash bail disproportionately harms people from low-income communities and communities of color,” Harris’ 2019 memo reads. She characterized cash bail systems as “criminalizing poverty” and vowed to end them.

18) She supports putting men in women’s prisons and paying for their transition surgeries: She calls it a “civil rights issue.”

19) Her administration is full of weird guys in dresses: The sheer number of weird guys in dresses who’ve either been invited to the White House under the Biden-Harris administration, or worse yet, given positions of power is mind-boggling. 

Whether you’re talking about the extremely unhealthy-looking Rachel Levine, who’s the assistant secretary for health of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, non-binary drag queen Sam Brinton, who was the deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy -- who rather famously got caught stealing people’s luggage -- or one of the many other weirdos, degenerates or mental cases, the number of them brought into the White House is shocking. It’s a sign not just of incompetence, but that Kamala Harris is a deeply unserious person who doesn’t belong anywhere near power.

20) Inflation has devastated American families under Kamala Harris: Conservatives will generally tell you that inflation is caused by monetary policy, while liberals bizarrely like to claim that it’s caused by corporations all getting greedy at the same time, but what can’t be denied is that inflation has been completely out of control during the Biden-Harris administration. 

Since Biden and Harris took over, grocery prices have gone up roughly 25%, “New car prices are up 29% since March 2020 and used car prices up 34%,” and rent has gone up roughly 30%. Donald Trump called that a “Kamala Tax” and an awful lot of poor and middle-class Americans have had their dreams crushed by it since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took over.

John Hawkins runs and is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know.

Photos by Getty Images

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