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NYC Mayor Aide Who Said He Didn't Care If the Unvaccinated Lost Their Jobs Loses His Job

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 10/20/2022
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Earlier in the week, Project Veritas released footage of NYC Mayor Eric Adams' "Advance Team" member Chris Baugh admitting to an undercover PV reporter that his boss isn't capable enough to deal with the buses of illegals being sent from Texas, and that it's been terrible optics for both the Adams and Biden administrations. 

In their most recently released video exposing Adams' office, PV captured Baugh expressing scorn for those who lost their jobs over the city's vaccine mandate. “I have no sympathy for them. They made a choice [not to get vaccinated]. They chose not to do a very harmless thing that protects the rest of society. F**k ‘em. 1,400 people voluntarily quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated. They don’t deserve their jobs back,” Baugh said.

He continued to rip his boss in the newly released video, who he described as "corrupt," and mocked his potential presidential ambitions.

He also added some baffling commentary to rising violence against police too. “Being a cop is like the cushiest gig in the city," Baugh said. "Like, you might get shot, but otherwise it’s very good.”

Watch below: 

Since Project Veritas' reporting, Baugh has been fired, and the mayor's office has tried to downplay his role as merely that of a low-level staffer. The mayor's office also denounced Project Veritas as "shameful" and accused them of false narratives - though we were given no explanation as to why Baugh would be fired if PV was spinning a false narrative here. 

Baugh's firing has likely generated no sympathy from the unvaccinated. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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Photos by Getty Images

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