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Treacherous Russia Hoaxer Marc Elias Says He’s Scared Of A Trump Presidency (He Should Be)

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/14/2024
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Marc Elias, the infamous attorney behind the Russia collusion hoax, expressed deep concern over a Donald Trump presidency holding him accountable for his crimes on X Thursday. “What we face in 2024 is nothing like past elections, not even 2016,” Elias wrote. “Trump is running to enact retribution. He wants absolute power and absolute immunity. He will destroy our democracy. The one thing we can do to stop him is to vote for Biden and Democrats. History is watching.”

Indeed, a second Trump term is bound to make history but not because Trump will “destroy our democracy.” If Trump wins, he won’t seek tyrannical retribution on his political enemies (like President Joe Biden has), but he will bring justice to criminals like Elias, who are the real destroyers of “democracy.”  

Elias was at the center of the deep state coup to usurp the will of the people and unseat President Trump via the Clinton-funded, debunked Steele dossier. He also helped rig the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden by expanding mail-in voting and changing voting procedures in battleground states. For instance, Elias fought against requirements for photo IDs at the voting booths and for witness signatures on absentee ballots. 

Fellow Russia collusion hoaxer and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe expressed similar fears last week. During a CNN interview, McCabe claimed that many FBI agents are worried about a second Donald Trump term and are even considering fleeing the country. Good. Since Biden took office, the FBI has not only been illegally weaponized against Trump and his former team but also regular conservative Americans, including pro-lifers, parents at school board meetings, January 6 protesters, and traditional Catholics. 

McCabe should be scared for himself, as well as his former colleagues. McCabe is infamous for leaking sensitive information about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and then lying about it under oath. He has never been prosecuted for any of his crimes. 

All the deep state officials who have abused their power by weaponizing the government against their political opponents (which includes half the country), should be scared of a Trump presidency. As The Federalist CEO Sean Davis wrote on X in response to Elias’s post, “Only a guilty man fears justice.” Elias, McCabe, and many others are guilty, and they have gotten away with eroding our political system and violating the Constitution long enough.  

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