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Hollywood Movie Glorifies Liberals Killing Conservatives for Sport

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Hollywood needs to take a good hard look in the mirror if they’re going to blame mass shootings on Trump’s rhetoric. Movies put out by anti-gun Hollywood leftists show actors using guns to mow down people with the same ease as if they are eating a handful of m&m’s. But hey, whatever sells right?

Repeatedly discussing the left’s hypocrisy is like beating a dead horse, but they just make it so easy. Grateful that a Democrat just publicized a hitlist of Trump donors prompting widespread boycotts of companies like equinox and soulcycle gyms, PJ Media reminds us how sensitive their egos are. For example, Kathy Griffin claims “she can’t get work following her photoshoot with a decapitated head” blaming Republicans. For someone who can’t get work we sure see her a lot.

PJ Media points out that “Hollywood clearly still likes the idea of promoting violence against people who aren’t good and obedient leftists, because Universal Pictures is set to release a thriller called The Hunt on September 27, which features left-wing ‘elites’ hunting Trump supporters for sport.”

You read that right. The very entity that takes zero responsibility for the information and images they release to the public under the pretense of entertainment, actually has the audacity to blame the President for his words. Which, by the way, do not support extremists of any kind nor violence of any kind.

Another example in the article states, “in the past few days we’ve been hearing a lot about how Donald Trump’s rhetoric is apparently to blame for the El Paso shooting, yet Hollywood apparently lacked the foresight to think that a movie promoting violence against ‘deplorables’ might be in bad taste until after the shootings in El Paso and Dayton.”

Photos by Getty Images

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