As Democrats continue their all-out impeachment war against President Trump, a new poll shows their plan is backfiring.
A Gallup poll released today shows that Trump’s approval rating has ticked up two points since October–from 41 percent to 43 percent.
The disapproval rating has dropped three points from 57 percent to 54 percent.
The Hill reports:
The approval rating matches the number Gallup recorded in mid-September, before the news broke of the whistleblower complaint that ended up sparking the House’s impeachment inquiry into the president. The numbers show the stability of the president’s approval as the impeachment inquiry has unfolded.
The Democrats’ sham impeachment efforts also seem to be turning off independents, whose opposition to the inquiry jumped 10 points since last week.
According to a Politico-Morning Consult poll, 47 percent of independents now oppose the impeachment proceedings, up from 37 percent last week.
Among all respondents, support for the inquiry fell two points to 48 percent and those opposed to the efforts rose three points to 45 percent.
A Rasmussen poll from last week found that a majority of respondents feel the media is helping to impeach President Trump.
Fifty-three percent of likely voters believe reporters are trying to assist in the Democrats’ impeachment efforts and only 32 percent of likely voters believe reporters are “simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner.”
Only eight percent say reporters are actually trying to block President Trump’s impeachment.
Of Republicans, a whopping 76 percent say the press is trying to help impeach the president, while a plurality–48 percent–of those unaffiliated with either party agree.
Thirty six percent of Democrats agree with the sentiments.