A second CPAC 2021 kicked off in Texas last week, concluding on Sunday with an epic speech from former President Donald Trump. Earlier in the day Trump handily won CPAC’s 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll with 70% of the vote. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took second place with 21% of the vote.
In an energetic speech, Trump came out swinging against critical race theory propaganda. “We will completely defund and bar critical race theory. 1776 not 1619, if you don’t mind. And if government run schools are going to teach children to hate their country, we will demand school choice, as we already have. If you listen to the media or watch the evening news casts, our country has really gone bad. All we talk about is race,” he said, before blasting the media.
“The Democrat controlled media talks race for political reasons… but it’s hurting our country… and more than anyone else, our great minority communities… the Democrat obsession with race is only dragging us back into the past and it is bringing our country down to a point where even China and Russia are lecturing us on human rights, race and they’re doing it in a very humiliating fashion, he continued.
To applause and chants of “USA,” Trump told the crowd to never forget “that the radical left is not the majority in this country, we are the majority and it’s not even close. Not even close.”
Trump blasted some of the big tech companies he’s currently suing, citing the blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop story. “We’re taking Mark Zuckerbucks, Jack Dorsey, and the other silicon valley millionaires to court… until we have restored the sacred right to freedom of speech to every American,” Trump said before calling their censorship during the 2020 election a “major attack on our Republican” aimed as “boost[ing], illegally, the Democratic vote.”
Trump also took aim at Biden’s disastrous energy policies and border policies, the left’s abandonment of law and order, the new “woke” military, the left’s takeover of every institution in America life, and more.
“Republicans play a much nicer game than the Democrats… but perhaps the Republicans will have to rethink their game plan,” he said.
The full speech can be watched on Rumble.
Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate