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Trump on FISA Report: ‘You Will See Things That You Don’t Believe’

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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For weeks the public has been waiting anxiously for the review of alleged surveillance abuses made by the Department of Justice and the FBI during the investigation of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 elections. The Report, which is expected to drop any day, has everyone on edge as it will “likely spark new congressional investigations and deliver critical information to other federal review probing allegations of abuse by the Justice Department and the FBI” according to Fox News.

President Trump is ramping up rhetoric leaving political pundits and media salivating for the report, and members of Congress, the FBI and DOJ shaking in their boots. He said:

The IG report is going to come out soon, and we’ll se what happens…But I predict you will see things that you don’t even believe, the level of corruption – whether it’s [James] Comey; whether it’s [Peter] Strzok and his lover, [Lisa] Page; whether it’s so many other people – [Andrew] McCabe; whether it’s President Obama himself…Let’s see whether or not it’s President Obama. Let’s see whether or not they put that in.

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) has “vowed to probe alleged FISA abuses at the start of the Russia investigation, saying he would look for answers on how much money the Democrats paid research firm Fusion GPS to commission the dossier compiled by Steele, or if the contents of the dossier have been verified.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox Business, Senator Graham said, “as soon as Horowitz is done with his review of the FISA warrant application, the counterintelligence investigation, the Trump campaign, we’ll have a hearing in public with Horowitz and we’ll call a bunch of witnesses.”

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