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Trump Plans On Restarting Rallies

  • by:
  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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President Trump, after a long hiatus due to the Wuhan virus, is back to his signature rallies and back to the campaign trail.

On Wednesday, Trump said that he plans to restart rallies, the first being held in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 19. He also has rallies planned in Florida, Arizona and North Carolina.

Trump’s continuous rallies came to a pause when the pandemic hit in March and the country largely shut down, and polling has started to turn in favor of Democrat rival Joe Biden. The restart of the signature rallies should help enormously.

“Americans are ready to get back to action and so is President Trump. The Great American Comeback is real and the rallies will be tremendous.  You’ll again see the kind of crowds and enthusiasm that Sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of,” said Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Fox News reports that Trump campaign officials said that the exact format and locations for rallies are still to be determined, since many states still have limits on gatherings.


Photos by Getty Images

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