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Twitter Threatened to Ban Tom Cotton for Defending Rule of Law

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As if Sen. Tom Cotton wasn’t busy enough fending off the hysterics over at the New York Times, he’s now facing threats of censorship from Twitter over the same opinions he expressed in the aforementioned failing publication.

As the Daily Caller reports:

Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton said Wednesday that a “low-level” Twitter employee called his office last week and threatened to lock his account due to a tweet on dispatching the U.S. military to help stop riots.

“We asked for an explanation of why that was and it was not really forthcoming. They cited a policy that didn’t apply to my situation,” Cotton said in Fox News interview Wednesday morning. “We waited them out, we called their bluff, for 30 minutes they didn’t lock down my account and within about 2 hours they got back to us and said, ‘OK, you can keep your posts up’,” Cotton continued.

Twitter told the Daily Caller that the tweet was reported to them, and that they “apply the Twitter Rules impartially to every account on our service.” Which may be true – as long as you exclude all the times they don’t impartially apply the rules. And since when is calling a Senators office to warn them standard procedure?

According to OpenSecrets, of all Twitter employees who donated to political causes, 99.8% went to Democrats. That this is impacting their judgement is obvious to anyone paying attention.

On the bright side, at least Twitter is doing Parler’s advertising for them.

Photos by Getty Images

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