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U.S. Attorney John Durham’s Russia Probe Expands to Pentagon

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into the handling of the Trump-Russia investigation is expanding to the Pentagon office where FBI informant Stefan Halper was contracted, according to a report by Sara Carter.

Durham is questioning personnel at the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment which granted Halper numerous government contracts.

According to Carter, “multiple sources” confirmed that “Durham has spoken extensively with sources working in the Office of Net Assessment, as well as outside contractors, that were paid through Pentagon office.”

A 2018 article explains Halper’s M.O.:

Halper was the FBI’s inside source to infiltrate the Trump campaign.

He asked [Trump campaign volunteer George] Papadapoulos to fly to London to discuss international relations and the possibility of Papadopoulos writing a policy paper on a gas field in the Mediterranean for $3,000.

However, this was all cover so Halper could try to fish information out of Papadapous. Once they met, Halper was quick to turn to the subject of Russia, asking Papadopoulos, “You know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?” Papadopoulos didn’t offer up any information, and contact with Halper didn’t extend much past that trip. Papadapoulos would finish and submit his policy paper to Halper, but there’s no evidence it was ever used for anything.

So where did that comment about Hillary’s emails come from?

Months prior, Papadapoulos had a serious of meetings with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who at one point claimed to have Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails (he didn’t), and Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat whom Papadopoulos would (allegedly drunkenly) tell he (falsely) had possession of Hillary’s emails. Mifsud reportedly only became interested in Papadapoulos after learning of his role within the Trump campaign, while Downer requested his meeting with Papadapoulos. Both are of note because Mifsud is on record having donated to the Clinton Foundation, and Downer helped broker a $25 million donation from the Australian government to the Clinton Foundation. Neither were political allies of Papadapoulos, but had their sights on him.

Why? To help further a narrative about Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, which Halper was well aware of.

The news of Durham’s Pentagon probe comes on the heels of Sen. Lindsey Graham’s announcement earlier this week that Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s highly anticipated report on Deep State’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant abuses is set to be released on December 9.

News also broke yesterday that Horowitz uncovered evidence that an FBI lawyer altered a key document relating to the Bureau’s surveillance of Trump campaign aide, Carter Page.

Fox News reports that the “new evidence concerning the altered document, which pertained to the FBI’s FISA court warrant application to surveil Page, is expected to be outlined in Horowitz’s upcoming report. CNN first reported the news, which was largely confirmed by The Washington Post.”

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