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U.S. Suspends Evacuation Flights From Kabul as Airport Descends Into Chaos

  • by:
  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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In the latest consequence of Joe Biden’s foreign policy disaster in Afghanistan, all U.S. evacuation flights in Kabul have been suspended because the area isn’t secure anymore after hundreds of Afghans breached the airport and have crowded the runways. Many tried to escape by jumping on departing planes, leading to some tragically falling to their deaths.

All U.S. military and charter flights are suspended. U.S. Central Command leader Gen. Frank McKenzie has reportedly has met with Taliban leaders in Qatar to urge them to not to interfere with the ongoing U.S. evacuation efforts. The Kabul airport is the only escape for Americans in Afghanistan.

Watch below:


With seemingly no sense of urgency, Biden says he’ll address the situation “in the next few days.”

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