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Unemployment Is 59% Higher in Blue States Than Red States

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Despite undergoing the most severe lockdowns, states run by Democrat Governors accounted for the majority of the nation’s coronavirus deaths. Disastrous policies on nursing homes in those blue states are among the primary culprits for the discrepancy.

The go-to rebuttal to this fact has been to point to greater population density in blue states, but contrary to popular belief, a number of studies have debunked the notion that population density is linked to a greater coronavirus infection rate.

Not only did Democrat run states have the most coronavirus deaths per capita despite severe lockdowns, those lockdowns greatly exacerbated the economic damage caused by the virus. Many Democrat leaders have kept severe restrictions in place even after the virus has run its course – though they did allow citizens to protest en-masse, provided it was for a state-approved cause.

As a result of all this, red states are leading the nation’s economic recovery, with blue state unemployment being above the average for red states, purple states, and the national average.

According to Just The News’ Carrie Sheffield:

In red states (those voting Republican for president in all four of the last four elections), the combined unemployment rate stood at 6.6%. Among blue states (those that voted Democrat in all four of the last four presidential elections) the figure was 10.5%. Among purple states (all of the others, either split 2 and 2 or 3 wins for one party and one win for the other), the unemployment figure was 7.8%.

Or in other words, the unemployment rate of 10.5% in blue states is 59% higher than the 6.6% rate in red states.

Even within the purple states, there was a familiar, albeit far less pronounced, partisan discrepancy: Purple states led by Republican governors had an unemployment rate of 7.3%, while the rate for purple states with Democratic governors was 8.2%.

Of the ten states with the lowest unemployment rates, nine are led by Republican governors. The inverse is true of the ten states with the highest unemployment rates, nine  of which are run by Democrat governors.

Call me crazy, but I’m starting to notice a pattern here…

Photos by Getty Images