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USPS Worker Faces Federal Charges for Allegedly Illegally Discarding 112 Absentee Mail-In Ballots

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Yet another obvious consequence of mass mail-in voting that liberals preferred to ignore has been realized.

You don’t have to do more than a Google search to find countless examples of ballots being discarded or destroyed, with one of the more recent examples involving a Boston man setting fire to a ballot drop off box on Sunday.

That case is being currently investigated by the FBI, but meanwhile, another person who allegedly attempted to obstruct people’s votes faces federal charges.

According to The Post Millennial:

DeShawn Bojgere, a former employee of the United States Postal Service, is facing federal charges of  obstruction of correspondence for having trashed more than 100 absentee mail-in ballots, 320 pieces of second class mail, 69 pieces of flat-rate mail, and two flyers.

The ballots, along with the other pieces of mail, were discovered in a dumpster in Louisville, Kentucky in mid-October. Bojgere, age 30, confessed to throwing away the mail, but has not released a statement to explain his behavior. The ballots he disposed of had not yet been filled out, according to local news.

United States Postal Service Special Agent Scott Balfour said that the postal service was doing everything it could to remedy the situation and that the ballots would be returned to their rightful owners by Thursday. 

According to US Attorney Russell Coleman.”Especially in these times, Americans depend on the reliability and integrity of those that deliver the US Mail,” Coleman said. “Conduct by Postal employees that violates that duty will result in swift federal prosecution.”The US Postal Service Office of the Inspector General is investigating the case. If found guilty, Bojgere could face up to five years in jail and $250,000 in fines.

It was only weeks ago that a New Jersey postal worker was charged for allegedly throwing out 98 mail-in ballots. The criminal complaint alleges that “nearly 2,000 pieces of mail, including 99 general election ballots destined for residents in West Orange and hundreds of campaign flyers for local elections, were recovered from dumpsters in North Arlington and West Orange on Oct. 2 and Oct. 5.”

Ballots being tampered with is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems with mass mail-in voting. As our John Hawkins documented elsewhere:

  • In Nevada, more than 223k ballots were returned undelivered and over 100k were sent back in little Rhode Island.
  • In New York, large numbers of ballots were rejected. “19% in Queens and Manhattan and 28% in Brooklyn.” Additionally, they didn’t declare a winner in some races for a MONTH AFTERWARDS.
  • In Paterson, New Jersey, 20% of the ballots were rejected and 4 men were charged with voter fraud.
  • In Michigan this year, over 10,000 ballots were rejected and 846 ballots from dead voters were found. 40,000 ballots were rejected in Michigan and another 23,000 ballots didn’t make the cut in Wisconsin. Overall, the Washington Post noted over half a million ballots were rejected across 23 states this year.

Attorney General William Barr has already called mass mail-in voting “playing with fire,” and now we know why.

Photos by Getty Images

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