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Virginia Exit Polls Spell DOOM for Joe Biden

  • by:
  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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The exit polls from Virginia last night reveal that the state has soured on Joe Biden at record speed.

After beating Donald Trump in the state by 10-point margin in 2020, less than one year later Biden’s approval rating is underwater in The Old Dominion.

CNN was forced to report some bad news to their audience (that’s actually awesome news) after obtaining the exit poll data last night.  “They are a survey of voters whether you voted on Election Day or whether you voted early, in-person or voted by mail. This exit poll encompasses all the different methods of voting. Look at the president’s approval rating in the Commonwealth of Virginia – 23 percent strongly approve of the performance of how Joe Biden is handling his job. 20% somewhat approve. That’s a forty three percent approval rating. It’s underwater.”

Watch below:


Glenn Youngkin defeated Terry McAuliffe by 2-points, for a 12-point swing in favor of the GOP.

If every state swung 12 points in favor of the GOP in the 2024 presidential election from 2020, the Republican candidate would win every state except the most reliably blue states; Colorado, New Jersey, Illinois, Delaware, Washington, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine (District 1), New York, California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. Those states have a combined 173 electoral votes, meaning that their opponent would garner 366 in absence of a miracle for a third party candidate. For reference, Trump defeated Hillary with 304 to 227.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

Photos by Getty Images

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