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Virginia Is Attempting Gun Confiscation – And People Are Revolting

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Remember when Democrats wanted only “common sense” gun control? There was a reason they never bothered to define “common sense.”

Democrats will control both houses of Virginia’s state legislature next year, headed by Democrat Governor and Michael Jackson impersonator Ralph Northam. State Senator Dick Saslaw introduced a bill for next year that would outlaw both the possession of various types of firearms, but also make their transfer illegal. As the American Spectator’s Jed Babbin wrote: “Saslaw’s bill — SB 16 — provides that ‘It is unlawful for any person to import, sell, manufacture, purchase, possess or transport an assault firearm’ and makes such actions a Class 6 felony. (In Virginia, Class 6 felonies are punishable by imprisonment for between one and five years.)”

But this applies to only “assault” weapons, right? Quite literally any weapon can be called an “assault” weapon, and when it comes to this new law, “SB 16 provides that a wide range of center-fire rifles, pistols, and shotguns are included in the definition of to-be illegal firearms.” So 100% of “assault rifles” would be banned, but so would a decent chunk of handguns and most shotguns, which the gun control left seldom publicly expresses support for banning.

When governor Northam was asked about confiscating firearms from law abiding gun owners, he replied “that’s something I’m working [on] with our secretary of public safety.”

In response, “sanctuary counties” are popping up across the State to provide sanctuary to law abiding gun owners. It’s of note that when liberals call for sanctuaries its for criminals, while when conservatives call for them it’s for those who want their Constitutional rights projected. As was reported yesterday:

Halifax County has joined the growing list of Second Amendment sanctuaries.

The Board of Supervisors passed a resolution making Halifax County a Second Amendment Sanctuary at their packed meeting at the gym in the Mary Bethune Complex on Monday, December 2.

Board of Supervisors Chairman Dennis Witt said a number of people reached out, asking the board to consider the county becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

The Halifax County Sheriff’s Office said they guessed some 400 people came to the meeting.

In total, at least 20 counties have become gun control “sanctuaries.” Only 75 to go.


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