White House officials reportedly sent CNN reporter Jim Acosta a letter stating they would suspend his press credentials once again, as soon as the temporary restraining order CNN won expires.
CNN’s Brian Stelter reported:
After CNN won a temporary restraining order on Friday, forcing the White House to restore his press pass for 14 days, White House officials sent Acosta a letter stating that his pass is set to be suspended again once the restraining order expires. From the looks of the letter, the W.H. is trying to establish a paper trail that will empower the administration to boot Acosta again at the end of the month.
Acosta was banned from the White House after engaging in a contentious discussion with President Trump and refusing to hand over the microphone to a female White House intern. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Acosta “[placed] his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern.”
CNN responded to the White House letter, stating, “The White House is continuing to violate the First and 5th Amendments of the Constitution. These actions threaten all journalists and news organizations. Jim Acosta and CNN will continue to report the news about the White House and the President.”
Many claims of doctored videos of Acosta's interactions with female White House intern.
Everyone deserves to see what REALLY happened.
This is the completely unedited interaction clipped directly from the White House feed.
I would direct you to really watch the :05 second mark pic.twitter.com/kEkfxswwbB
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 8, 2018