The Supreme Court of the Untied States struck down the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate for private businesses with over 100 employees 6-3, while keeping the health care worker mandate in effect for hospitals that take Medicare and Medicaid.
Despite the legal defeat, the Biden administration’s immediate response has been to tell private businesses to simply implement them anyway. Biden wrote in a statement “As a result of the Court’s decision, it is now up to States and individual employers to determine whether to make their workplaces as safe as possible for employees, and whether their businesses will be safe for consumers during this pandemic by requiring employees to take the simple and effective step of getting vaccinated.”
Jen Psaki offered a similar response, and encouraged private businesses to implement mandates while bizarrely trying to spin the SCOTUS ruling as a win.
Watch below:
The administration did admit defeat on one thing yesterday – their efforts to abolish the filibuster and pass a so-called “voting rights” bill, which would just be an attempt to federalize elections. We still have yet to see the media or administration trot out a single person whose “voting rights” have been denied (but they assure us there are millions of them!)
As it turns out, Democrats comparing their fellow party members not towing the line to white supremacists did little to sway them, and Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have doubled down on their pro-filibuster stances. (Of note, while the focus has been on them, but there are other Democrats that have been largely silent on efforts to nuke the filibuster, and it’s likely they share the same stance).
“The honest-to-God answer is I don’t know whether we can get this done,” Biden admitted after a meeting with Senate Democrats. I hope we can get this done but I’m not sure,”
Biden warned that a failure to pass his legislation would result in “election subversion,” which appears to be the preemptive explanation for the Democrats’ looming 2022 midterm losses.
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros